Non-verbal Communication

Monday 3 October 2011

I am a person who 8 out of 10 times would have a "i-couldnt-care-less" expression on my face... I'm just like that.. Im not saying i am arrogant and ignorant.. Im just born like this.. Im actually a cool person if u get to know me :).. People tend to get the wrong impression of me.. One look at me, and they would send a message to their brain saying.. "must-not-mess with-this-girl"... hahaha... Yea i kinda look scary... But im not.. I can be when im angry.. but im not when im my normal self..

You see your facial expressions and body language are very important in life. People will judge you according to your expressions and actions. I am a very very very hard headed person.. I refuse to acknowledge i am wrong at any mean, time or reason possible... when im right, im right.. when im wrong, im still right :D

See my mom and I have an amazing relationship.. I am the eldest daughter and so she trusts me more compared to my younger sisters. I could talk to her about my bf and friends and all.. and she would be cool about it.. However, when we engage in an argument, my mom would transform from this sweet-soft-spoken lady into this super-fierce-angry-mama!.. and due to this.. i would just look her straight in the eyes, which would piss her off even more (because by doing that she knows i am challenging her even more!.. hahaha) she would then point her finger at me and shout, "dont u look at me that way young lady!"... then i pull out another trick out my sleeves.. i would just casually look away and cross my arms on my chest :).. you see.. by doing this, i indirectly show my mom-"ok so you made ur point, so?.. i still dont buy it"... sort of my way of being defensive with my arguments against my mom. :) and by doin this, she would stress on her argument even more, knowing that i still think i am right is annoying her to the max...

Oh i almost forgot, the other day i was out to Bangsar Village with my cousin and aunts.. on our way to Bangsar Village, some idiot tried to overtake my aunt, when it was suppose to be her way, and the idiot was driving so fast he caught my aunt off guard when he overtakes us.. Man! He messed with the wrong people.. We have mix pakistan blood.. and you sure as hell do not want to make any of the women in my family angry!.. So what happened was my aunt speed and chased after the guy.. and when she was driving side by side him, she honked with all her heart content and my other aunt who was sitting at the back of the drivers seat, opened the window, knocked on the other cars window and showed the guy both her middle fingers!.. No verbal action needed.. The guy was scared shitless and sped off quickly!.. hahaha.. we had a good laugh, me and my cousin.. but my aunts were all high pitch-voice and all.. :D hahaha... good times good times..

-Aliya Atika-
SCM 005882


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