human communication

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Have you ever wondered how a two year old child can understand and communicate with you even though the child might not mastered any language at that point? The child might just use sign language or might just use 'baby language' and the elders might still understand what the child is saying. How is that? 
        I have a  niece who is 3 months old now but whenever she sucks her thumb it means she'z sleepy and she needs to sleep if not she would open her loudspeaker..  =) She has a elder brother who is 2 and a half year old. He barely can talk, but i tell you, you should see how he will scold you if you say something that he don't like. With his reaction, facial expression and his tone..Omg..It's so cute at times but when we think about it we know that children can adopt or learn a thing that we speak or do instantly. Their ability to learn is so fast and they can remember a thing/ word we say , even once. 
        We communicate with people with different mother tongue yet we become so close to them even though we don't know them, their culture and their background. Language is universal. Your smile is also a kind of language. If you smile at a person, it indicates that your a friendly, polite, humble, easy to make friend and so on. It brings a positive effect on the person who sees you, on your culture and country. 
        We must know that communication is a very important component in our life. When we are going for an interview, the way we carry our self is also very important. We must know how to talk to your employer and know how to dress to go for an interview. 
        In my course we have to do a lot of talking, that means a lot of presentation. If we don't know how to talk  than we cannot excel in our studies.



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